Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Interpreting The Clansm A Historical Romance Of The Ku...

Interpreting The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan and the â€Å"Kloran† Thomas Dixon Jr. wrote The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan (or simply The Clansman) which was based largely on his background in religion. He was a Southern Baptist minister. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a Christian denomination based in the United States. It is the world s largest Baptist denomination and the largest Protestant body in the United States. The Ku Klux Klan is fundamentally a white supremacist group that believes the Caucasian race is inherently above all others in the eyes of God. They are well organized, to the point that they use the â€Å"Kloran† as a sort of guideline for their rituals and practices. As a primary source of knowledge, the â€Å"Kloran† Both socially and politically, the Ku Klux Klan has inspired racism and civic divide in the United states. The Kloran was even copyrighted in 1917 (Jackson, 6). The Clansman works to justify this divide by claiming white racial superiority. Since â€Å"The Clansman† there has been historical evidence of the Klan’s influence on politics and society. Through propaganda and editorialized works of hate like both The Clansman and the Kloran, violence is provoked through justification of religion. The Ku Klux Klan has operated based on numerous agendas, all of which are based on racial tension. Most currently, The Ku Klux Klan (or simply â€Å"KKK†) is the name of three distinct past and present movements in the

Monday, December 16, 2019

Listening Task Study Free Essays

Listening Task Study Listening and note taking †¢Listen carefully each time. †¢Make notes of what you hear. Better to have too many notes than not enough. We will write a custom essay sample on Listening Task Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢Be sure to take down quotes or language used in the text. †¢Have a shorthand system that is meaningful to you. †¢Use arrows to show linked ideas. Answering questions †¢Use the amount of marks appointed to the question as a guide to how much information is required. 1 mark = 1 piece of information. †¢If in doubt about what to include in the answer, put it all in. †¢Use the language of the text as often as you can. Do not simplify the meaning or understanding of the text in your response. †¢Do not use your general knowledge. You must interpret the meaning from the text, not from how you understand the world should work. †¢Always interpret the meaning intended within context of the text. †¢Every answer should reference the text, preferably with direct quote or by using the language of the text. †¢Make sure you hear the word correctly and write it as you hear it. Language features to look out for in listening tasks Anecdotes Analogy Metaphor Simile Sound devices Exaggeration Sarcasm Humour Irony Statistics and Cultural references or intertextuality TermMeaningExample – provided where helpful Context – clarifies the meaning of something, either through historical information or by providing further detail before and / or after itThe conditions /circumstance relevant to an event, fact, e. g. time/place etc Conversational speech – characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation Dialect – form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area or by members of a particular social class or occupational group, distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciationCockney is a dialect of English not to be confused with ‘accent’ which is pronunciation common to a certain language dialect Diction – the choice and use of words in speech or writing Digression – an act or instance of changing from a main subject in speech to another unconnected subject Everyday/familiar/modern references – to mention somet hing that the audience will recognise (can be an object or a common phrase) to create rapport / humour (when done out of context can increase the humour) Fillers / hedges (natural speech marker) – sounds or words that are spoken to fill up gaps in utterancescommon filler sounds are â€Å"uh† â€Å"er† and â€Å"um† Idiolect – a person’s individual speech habits. Idiom – a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual wordsâ€Å"She let the cat out of the bag† or â€Å"He was caught red-handed. † Impact – the power of making a strong, immediate impression Interrupt – to stop a person while s/he is saying or doing something, especially by saying something oneself Intonation – the sound pattern of phrases and sentences produced by pitch variation in the voice Lexis – the full vocabulary of a language, or of a group, individual, field of studytyre, oil, engine, car etc Non-verbal signs – the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messagese. g. hrough gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact; or even object communication such as clothing, hairstyles etc Pace/timing – the process or art of regulating actions or remarks in relation to others to produce the best effect Rapport – Relationship, usually a harmonious one, established between a speaker and their audience Register (formal/informal etc) – Level of formality in speech with others; register depends on the situation, location, topic discussed, and other factors Rhetorical device – a technique that a speaker (or author) uses to evoke an emotional response in the audiencee. g. hyperbole – I was so hungry, I could have eaten an elephant Spontaneous speech – unprepared speech, in opposition to prepared speech where utterances contain well-formed sentences close to those that can be found in wri tten documents Tag questiona question added to a declarative sentence, usually at the end, to engage the listener, verify that something has been understood, or confirm that an action has occurredCommon tags include won’t you? wasn’t it? don’t you? haven’t you? okay? and right? Transcript – a written copy of a discussion or speech How to cite Listening Task Study, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Roles Of Leadership Relevant To Corporate Greening †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Roles Of Leadership That Are Relevant To Corporate Greening In Ensuring Corporate Sustainability. Answer: Introduction A business can achieve sustainability through proper strategic management. However, green business or sustainable business has minimal effect on the environment, economy, society and the community. Such business tries to meet the triple bottom line strategy (Galea, 2017). However, sustainable business consists of human right policies and progressive environmental policies. It is crucial for every business to maintain the environmental sustainability to gain the competitive advantages. In order to make a business green, it is crucial for the every business industry to serve the products, which are environmentally friendly. This study deals with the development of the strategies in the context of BHP Billiton to make their business sustainable. BHP Billiton is an Australian mining industry and it is the fourth largest organization in the mining industry of Australia. However, adoption of the triple bottom line strategy will be discussed in this study. On the other hand, principles of t he sustainability and the market issues regarding the sustainability will be analyzed in this section. Principles of sustainability in a global business environment and discussion of the issues regarding the future sustainability of the corporate business environment Maintenance of the sustainability is crucial for every business to achieve the competitive advantages in the global market. One of the major principles of the sustainability is a protection of the human right (Robertson, 2017). It is important for any business to respect and support the proclaimed human right and they should not abuse the human right. However, elimination of the discrimination in respect of occupation and employment and reduction of child labor is another major principle of the sustainability. On the other hand, business should take a precautionary approach to meet the environmental challenges (Ragazzi Ghidini, 2017). In the context of BHP Billiton, it is mandatory to develop environmental responsibility and adopt environmentally friendly technologies. BHP Billiton focuses on the protection of human rights, as it is one of the major strategies of the business to maintain the environmental sustainability. They focus on the improving living standards and developing the economy of the economy to make their business sustainable. Social investment, indigenous people, and engagement of the stakeholders are their major priorities (Bhp.com, 2017). Several issues are associated with the corporate business environment regarding the sustainability. One of the major issues that may come in future is the resource scarcity. Due to the growth of the population and high consumption of the natural resources resource scarcity can be taken place. This will affect the business of BHP Billiton. This resource scarcity will result into the higher price, changing supply landscape and market volatility. Growing inequality is another sustainability issue in the near future in a business. In the global business the tension between free movement, employment r ate, the living standard of the people and free trade influence such inequality in the business, which is a major concern for the future (Ragazzi Ghidini, 2017). One of the major future challenges for BHP Billiton is increased risk and hazards in their business. Health risk is a common factor for the mining industry hence; the climate change may bring the risk for the health of workers. This risk is categorized as operational risk. Apart from this, strategic risk and financial risk are other risks associated with the sustainability. However, often-societal challenges may bring the strategic risk to the business (Bhp.com, 2017). As for example, resource depletion causes risk for maintaining the sustainability of a business. On the other hand, an organization may face the high cost of operation due to huge consumption of the natural resources. In the context of BHP Billiton, they will face operational risk during the mining, on the other hand, financial risk is another sustainability issue that may occur in future. Apart from this, BHP Billiton is a petroleum and metal mining company thus; scarcity of the resources will be a major future risk f or them that will affect the sustainability of the business. Identification and compassion of the market and regulatory issues associated with the sustainability at the local and global level along with the report of triple bottom line Environmental Protection Act is the major regulatory framework that is associated with sustainability. However, maintenance of the environmental sustainability is a major issue in the recent years. However, BHP Billiton is situated in Melbourne where it is crucial for this organization to protect the environment while conducting their mining operation. Environment protection is the common sustainability issue in both local and national level. According to the Environmental protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999 the natural resources of the environment should be protected during any business operation (Kourula, Pisani Kolk, 2017). Therefore, environmental sustainability issue is a major concern both the local and global level. BHP Billiton focuses on the Health, safety, Environment, and Community (HSEC) standards to keep sustainability in the business. As health, safety, community, and environment are the major regulatory issues of sustainable business. This HSEC standard is aligned with the international policies. BHP Billiton follows the ICMM sustainable development framework that also focuses on the requirements of HSEC (Bhp.com, 2017). Hence, it has been found that HSEC is an organizational policy, which also fulfills the requirements of the national policy. On the other hand, BHP Billiton also tries to maintain the human right to reduce the sustainability issues like inequality. Protection of the human right is a crucial part of the business sustainability if it is not maintained properly then business can be affected. On the other hand, United Nations Declaration of Human Right is a national policy that focuses on the human rights and security. Hence, the organizational policy regarding the protectio n of the human right is relevant to the national policy however, it does not cover another requirement of the national policy that the security. Hence, it can be said that the sustainability issues regarding the environmental protection and human right influence the regulatory frameworks in both local and national level. Triple bottom line or TBL is a tool that enables an organization to meet the sustainability goals (Kandachar Halme, 2017). In the context of BHP Billiton protection of the environment and the human right are their main areas of sustainable business. Hence, by following this accounting framework (TBL) this organization will be able to focus on the environmental, financial and the social dimensions to achieve sustainability. By maintain the human right and producing an environmentally friendly product they can achieve sustainable business in near future. Analysis of the current position of BHP Billiton and development the sustainability strategy to gain competitive advantages BHP Billiton contains simple and diverse portfolio with low-cost operation process across the world. They have a multifunctional team in order to connect with the entire organization and share the business practice, however, maintenance of the human right, compliance with the HSEC are the major areas of their business. They have adopted technology to get a significant return on their assets (Bhp.com, 2017). However, in the recent year, this organization has been facing strategic issues due to the emission of green house gas and climate change as this is an energy-oriented product manufacturer. However, in their manufacturing process huge amount of fossil fuel is required that increase the green house gas. In order to deal with this issue, BHP Billiton has decided to adopt regulatory change. This makes the service users more concern, as a result, this will bring a big threat to the position of this organization and conduction of the business. For this organization, communication with the stakeholders will be helpful to understand the requirements regarding the sustainability. However, such communication will help to get stakeholders feedback regarding their strategic issues, which will allow them to identify the strategic imperatives for the sustainable business (Charter, 2017). Therefore, use of renewable resources during the manufacturing they will be able to make their business unique and environmentally friendly, which has less impact on the society and environment. This will help them to gain competitive advantages in the global market. Evaluation of the mandatory reporting, benefits of voluntary reporting and risk of external reporting Mandatory reporting is associated with the changing corporate culture, equality, cost saving and standardization (Schaltegger Wagner, 2017). In the context of BHP Billiton mandatory reporting legislation needs professionals report regarding the sustainability issues in the business. On the other hand, voluntary reporting enables an organization to increase their flexibility. In the context of BHP Billiton, the voluntary report will help them to increase proximity and flexibility in the business. This will allow the organization to comply with the sustainable requirements. One of the major risks of the external reporting is the inappropriate data representation as the external audit agency has a poor idea of the internal operation process (Abraham Dao, 2017). Hence, in the context of BHP Billiton, the external reporting may execute inappropriate data regarding their business operation, which may affect their brand image and growth of the organization. Conclusion The entire study gives a brief idea regarding the sustainability issues in the context of BHP Billiton. However, it has been found that this mining industry also refines the oil, which consumes high energy. In order to maintain the environment sustainability and to deal with the climate change communication with the stakeholders is crucial for this country. Use of renewable resources will be effective for this organization to gain competitive advantages by creating the environmentally friendly business. References Abraham, T., Dao, V. (2017). An Empirical Investigation of Sustainability Innovation Systems and the Stages of Sustainability Maturity. Bhp.com. (2017).BHP Billiton. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from https://www.bhp.com/-/media/bhp/documents/investors/reports/2009/oursustainabilityframework2009.pdf?la=en Bhp.com. (2017).BHP. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from https://www.bhp.com//media/bhp/documents/investors/reports/2007/sustainabilityreport.pdf?la=en Bhp.com. (2017).Sustainable Development. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from https://www.bhp.com//media/bhp/documents/investors/reports/2007/sustainabilityreport.pdf?la=en Charter, M. (Ed.). (2017).Greener marketing: A responsible approach to business. Routledge. Galea, C. (Ed.). (2017).Teaching Business Sustainability Vol. 2: Cases, Simulations, and Experiential Approaches. Routledge. Kandachar, P., Halme, M. (Eds.). (2017).Sustainability challenges and solutions at the base of the pyramid: Business, technology and the poor. Routledge. Kourula, A., Pisani, N., Kolk, A. (2017). Corporate sustainability and inclusive development: highlights from international business andmanagement research.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,24, 14-18. Ragazzi, M., Ghidini, F. (2017). Environmental sustainability of universities: a critical analysis of a green ranking. Energy Procedia,119, 111-120. Robertson, M. (2017).Sustainability principles and practice. Taylor Francis. Schaltegger, S., Wagner, M. (Eds.). (2017).Managing the business case for sustainability: The integration of social, environmental and economic performance. Routledge.