Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Interpreting The Clansm A Historical Romance Of The Ku...

Interpreting The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan and the â€Å"Kloran† Thomas Dixon Jr. wrote The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan (or simply The Clansman) which was based largely on his background in religion. He was a Southern Baptist minister. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a Christian denomination based in the United States. It is the world s largest Baptist denomination and the largest Protestant body in the United States. The Ku Klux Klan is fundamentally a white supremacist group that believes the Caucasian race is inherently above all others in the eyes of God. They are well organized, to the point that they use the â€Å"Kloran† as a sort of guideline for their rituals and practices. As a primary source of knowledge, the â€Å"Kloran† Both socially and politically, the Ku Klux Klan has inspired racism and civic divide in the United states. The Kloran was even copyrighted in 1917 (Jackson, 6). The Clansman works to justify this divide by claiming white racial superiority. Since â€Å"The Clansman† there has been historical evidence of the Klan’s influence on politics and society. Through propaganda and editorialized works of hate like both The Clansman and the Kloran, violence is provoked through justification of religion. The Ku Klux Klan has operated based on numerous agendas, all of which are based on racial tension. Most currently, The Ku Klux Klan (or simply â€Å"KKK†) is the name of three distinct past and present movements in the

Monday, December 16, 2019

Listening Task Study Free Essays

Listening Task Study Listening and note taking †¢Listen carefully each time. †¢Make notes of what you hear. Better to have too many notes than not enough. We will write a custom essay sample on Listening Task Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢Be sure to take down quotes or language used in the text. †¢Have a shorthand system that is meaningful to you. †¢Use arrows to show linked ideas. Answering questions †¢Use the amount of marks appointed to the question as a guide to how much information is required. 1 mark = 1 piece of information. †¢If in doubt about what to include in the answer, put it all in. †¢Use the language of the text as often as you can. Do not simplify the meaning or understanding of the text in your response. †¢Do not use your general knowledge. You must interpret the meaning from the text, not from how you understand the world should work. †¢Always interpret the meaning intended within context of the text. †¢Every answer should reference the text, preferably with direct quote or by using the language of the text. †¢Make sure you hear the word correctly and write it as you hear it. Language features to look out for in listening tasks Anecdotes Analogy Metaphor Simile Sound devices Exaggeration Sarcasm Humour Irony Statistics and Cultural references or intertextuality TermMeaningExample – provided where helpful Context – clarifies the meaning of something, either through historical information or by providing further detail before and / or after itThe conditions /circumstance relevant to an event, fact, e. g. time/place etc Conversational speech – characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation Dialect – form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area or by members of a particular social class or occupational group, distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciationCockney is a dialect of English not to be confused with ‘accent’ which is pronunciation common to a certain language dialect Diction – the choice and use of words in speech or writing Digression – an act or instance of changing from a main subject in speech to another unconnected subject Everyday/familiar/modern references – to mention somet hing that the audience will recognise (can be an object or a common phrase) to create rapport / humour (when done out of context can increase the humour) Fillers / hedges (natural speech marker) – sounds or words that are spoken to fill up gaps in utterancescommon filler sounds are â€Å"uh† â€Å"er† and â€Å"um† Idiolect – a person’s individual speech habits. Idiom – a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual wordsâ€Å"She let the cat out of the bag† or â€Å"He was caught red-handed. † Impact – the power of making a strong, immediate impression Interrupt – to stop a person while s/he is saying or doing something, especially by saying something oneself Intonation – the sound pattern of phrases and sentences produced by pitch variation in the voice Lexis – the full vocabulary of a language, or of a group, individual, field of studytyre, oil, engine, car etc Non-verbal signs – the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messagese. g. hrough gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact; or even object communication such as clothing, hairstyles etc Pace/timing – the process or art of regulating actions or remarks in relation to others to produce the best effect Rapport – Relationship, usually a harmonious one, established between a speaker and their audience Register (formal/informal etc) – Level of formality in speech with others; register depends on the situation, location, topic discussed, and other factors Rhetorical device – a technique that a speaker (or author) uses to evoke an emotional response in the audiencee. g. hyperbole – I was so hungry, I could have eaten an elephant Spontaneous speech – unprepared speech, in opposition to prepared speech where utterances contain well-formed sentences close to those that can be found in wri tten documents Tag questiona question added to a declarative sentence, usually at the end, to engage the listener, verify that something has been understood, or confirm that an action has occurredCommon tags include won’t you? wasn’t it? don’t you? haven’t you? okay? and right? Transcript – a written copy of a discussion or speech How to cite Listening Task Study, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Roles Of Leadership Relevant To Corporate Greening †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Roles Of Leadership That Are Relevant To Corporate Greening In Ensuring Corporate Sustainability. Answer: Introduction A business can achieve sustainability through proper strategic management. However, green business or sustainable business has minimal effect on the environment, economy, society and the community. Such business tries to meet the triple bottom line strategy (Galea, 2017). However, sustainable business consists of human right policies and progressive environmental policies. It is crucial for every business to maintain the environmental sustainability to gain the competitive advantages. In order to make a business green, it is crucial for the every business industry to serve the products, which are environmentally friendly. This study deals with the development of the strategies in the context of BHP Billiton to make their business sustainable. BHP Billiton is an Australian mining industry and it is the fourth largest organization in the mining industry of Australia. However, adoption of the triple bottom line strategy will be discussed in this study. On the other hand, principles of t he sustainability and the market issues regarding the sustainability will be analyzed in this section. Principles of sustainability in a global business environment and discussion of the issues regarding the future sustainability of the corporate business environment Maintenance of the sustainability is crucial for every business to achieve the competitive advantages in the global market. One of the major principles of the sustainability is a protection of the human right (Robertson, 2017). It is important for any business to respect and support the proclaimed human right and they should not abuse the human right. However, elimination of the discrimination in respect of occupation and employment and reduction of child labor is another major principle of the sustainability. On the other hand, business should take a precautionary approach to meet the environmental challenges (Ragazzi Ghidini, 2017). In the context of BHP Billiton, it is mandatory to develop environmental responsibility and adopt environmentally friendly technologies. BHP Billiton focuses on the protection of human rights, as it is one of the major strategies of the business to maintain the environmental sustainability. They focus on the improving living standards and developing the economy of the economy to make their business sustainable. Social investment, indigenous people, and engagement of the stakeholders are their major priorities (Bhp.com, 2017). Several issues are associated with the corporate business environment regarding the sustainability. One of the major issues that may come in future is the resource scarcity. Due to the growth of the population and high consumption of the natural resources resource scarcity can be taken place. This will affect the business of BHP Billiton. This resource scarcity will result into the higher price, changing supply landscape and market volatility. Growing inequality is another sustainability issue in the near future in a business. In the global business the tension between free movement, employment r ate, the living standard of the people and free trade influence such inequality in the business, which is a major concern for the future (Ragazzi Ghidini, 2017). One of the major future challenges for BHP Billiton is increased risk and hazards in their business. Health risk is a common factor for the mining industry hence; the climate change may bring the risk for the health of workers. This risk is categorized as operational risk. Apart from this, strategic risk and financial risk are other risks associated with the sustainability. However, often-societal challenges may bring the strategic risk to the business (Bhp.com, 2017). As for example, resource depletion causes risk for maintaining the sustainability of a business. On the other hand, an organization may face the high cost of operation due to huge consumption of the natural resources. In the context of BHP Billiton, they will face operational risk during the mining, on the other hand, financial risk is another sustainability issue that may occur in future. Apart from this, BHP Billiton is a petroleum and metal mining company thus; scarcity of the resources will be a major future risk f or them that will affect the sustainability of the business. Identification and compassion of the market and regulatory issues associated with the sustainability at the local and global level along with the report of triple bottom line Environmental Protection Act is the major regulatory framework that is associated with sustainability. However, maintenance of the environmental sustainability is a major issue in the recent years. However, BHP Billiton is situated in Melbourne where it is crucial for this organization to protect the environment while conducting their mining operation. Environment protection is the common sustainability issue in both local and national level. According to the Environmental protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999 the natural resources of the environment should be protected during any business operation (Kourula, Pisani Kolk, 2017). Therefore, environmental sustainability issue is a major concern both the local and global level. BHP Billiton focuses on the Health, safety, Environment, and Community (HSEC) standards to keep sustainability in the business. As health, safety, community, and environment are the major regulatory issues of sustainable business. This HSEC standard is aligned with the international policies. BHP Billiton follows the ICMM sustainable development framework that also focuses on the requirements of HSEC (Bhp.com, 2017). Hence, it has been found that HSEC is an organizational policy, which also fulfills the requirements of the national policy. On the other hand, BHP Billiton also tries to maintain the human right to reduce the sustainability issues like inequality. Protection of the human right is a crucial part of the business sustainability if it is not maintained properly then business can be affected. On the other hand, United Nations Declaration of Human Right is a national policy that focuses on the human rights and security. Hence, the organizational policy regarding the protectio n of the human right is relevant to the national policy however, it does not cover another requirement of the national policy that the security. Hence, it can be said that the sustainability issues regarding the environmental protection and human right influence the regulatory frameworks in both local and national level. Triple bottom line or TBL is a tool that enables an organization to meet the sustainability goals (Kandachar Halme, 2017). In the context of BHP Billiton protection of the environment and the human right are their main areas of sustainable business. Hence, by following this accounting framework (TBL) this organization will be able to focus on the environmental, financial and the social dimensions to achieve sustainability. By maintain the human right and producing an environmentally friendly product they can achieve sustainable business in near future. Analysis of the current position of BHP Billiton and development the sustainability strategy to gain competitive advantages BHP Billiton contains simple and diverse portfolio with low-cost operation process across the world. They have a multifunctional team in order to connect with the entire organization and share the business practice, however, maintenance of the human right, compliance with the HSEC are the major areas of their business. They have adopted technology to get a significant return on their assets (Bhp.com, 2017). However, in the recent year, this organization has been facing strategic issues due to the emission of green house gas and climate change as this is an energy-oriented product manufacturer. However, in their manufacturing process huge amount of fossil fuel is required that increase the green house gas. In order to deal with this issue, BHP Billiton has decided to adopt regulatory change. This makes the service users more concern, as a result, this will bring a big threat to the position of this organization and conduction of the business. For this organization, communication with the stakeholders will be helpful to understand the requirements regarding the sustainability. However, such communication will help to get stakeholders feedback regarding their strategic issues, which will allow them to identify the strategic imperatives for the sustainable business (Charter, 2017). Therefore, use of renewable resources during the manufacturing they will be able to make their business unique and environmentally friendly, which has less impact on the society and environment. This will help them to gain competitive advantages in the global market. Evaluation of the mandatory reporting, benefits of voluntary reporting and risk of external reporting Mandatory reporting is associated with the changing corporate culture, equality, cost saving and standardization (Schaltegger Wagner, 2017). In the context of BHP Billiton mandatory reporting legislation needs professionals report regarding the sustainability issues in the business. On the other hand, voluntary reporting enables an organization to increase their flexibility. In the context of BHP Billiton, the voluntary report will help them to increase proximity and flexibility in the business. This will allow the organization to comply with the sustainable requirements. One of the major risks of the external reporting is the inappropriate data representation as the external audit agency has a poor idea of the internal operation process (Abraham Dao, 2017). Hence, in the context of BHP Billiton, the external reporting may execute inappropriate data regarding their business operation, which may affect their brand image and growth of the organization. Conclusion The entire study gives a brief idea regarding the sustainability issues in the context of BHP Billiton. However, it has been found that this mining industry also refines the oil, which consumes high energy. In order to maintain the environment sustainability and to deal with the climate change communication with the stakeholders is crucial for this country. Use of renewable resources will be effective for this organization to gain competitive advantages by creating the environmentally friendly business. References Abraham, T., Dao, V. (2017). An Empirical Investigation of Sustainability Innovation Systems and the Stages of Sustainability Maturity. Bhp.com. (2017).BHP Billiton. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from https://www.bhp.com/-/media/bhp/documents/investors/reports/2009/oursustainabilityframework2009.pdf?la=en Bhp.com. (2017).BHP. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from https://www.bhp.com//media/bhp/documents/investors/reports/2007/sustainabilityreport.pdf?la=en Bhp.com. (2017).Sustainable Development. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from https://www.bhp.com//media/bhp/documents/investors/reports/2007/sustainabilityreport.pdf?la=en Charter, M. (Ed.). (2017).Greener marketing: A responsible approach to business. Routledge. Galea, C. (Ed.). (2017).Teaching Business Sustainability Vol. 2: Cases, Simulations, and Experiential Approaches. Routledge. Kandachar, P., Halme, M. (Eds.). (2017).Sustainability challenges and solutions at the base of the pyramid: Business, technology and the poor. Routledge. Kourula, A., Pisani, N., Kolk, A. (2017). Corporate sustainability and inclusive development: highlights from international business andmanagement research.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,24, 14-18. Ragazzi, M., Ghidini, F. (2017). Environmental sustainability of universities: a critical analysis of a green ranking. Energy Procedia,119, 111-120. Robertson, M. (2017).Sustainability principles and practice. Taylor Francis. Schaltegger, S., Wagner, M. (Eds.). (2017).Managing the business case for sustainability: The integration of social, environmental and economic performance. Routledge.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

To what extent does Alex have his own freedom of thought A Clockwork Orange Essay Example For Students

To what extent does Alex have his own freedom of thought: A Clockwork Orange Essay A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess follows the life of a young juvenile delinquent by the name of Alex. Throughout the novel we learn in depth about the young protagonist, Alex, including his love for music and his apparent passion toward violence. Burgess uses bizarre, yet apt language choice in this novel which helps you relate to the main character in an easier manner, hence improving the appeal and success of this text. The novel deals with varying issues however the main theme of the novel is the idea of how much freedom of thought Alex has and therefore this will be my area of focus for my essay. We will write a custom essay on To what extent does Alex have his own freedom of thought: A Clockwork Orange specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Immediately after the first few lines we find out the novel is written in first person narrative. I found this a very intelligent use of language and structure by Burgess as the manner in which he has written this relates exactly to the character. Very seldom does Alex use normal language and I think this is because he has complete freedom of thought and he wants to have his own language that only his friends and him can understand. In my opinion the style and structure of this novel is extremely important to the understanding of the text. Alex goes through three main changes as a character, and this is reflected in the way Burgess has structured the novel. The novel is split into three sections, each describing a significant chapter in Alexs life. An example of this is the idea of the book revolving full circle. In 20 chapters Alex has completely changed, but at the start of chapter 21 the novel begins the exact same as it did at chapter one. Alex revisits the place called HOME and him and his new droogs commit another unprovoked attack, however this time something has changed. Alex has matured and basically decides he doesnt want this life anymore and the reason why à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" he has matured and comes to his senses. So the reader begins to feel sorry for Alex à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" after all what is a life without any choice? Goodness comes from with, 6655321, goodness is something chosen, he who cant choose, ceases to be a man Burgess has deliberately intended the thoughts and feelings of the reader to sway during the novel. As the novel progresses Alex looses his choice à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" consequently becoming A Clockwork Orange, which changes the readers attitude towards him. I feel this therefore relates to the theme of Alexs freedom of thought because after undergoing the ludovicos technique Alex looses all of this and effectively becomes a walking, talking government experiment. In my opinion Burgess superbly sculpts this idea and so the readers feelings for Alex change. In the beginning of the novel Alex is the practitioner of nothing but violent acts, who spends his nights with his droogs, terrorizing the public with their acts of ultra violence and engaging in the old in-out, in-out. He beats the elderly, fights other gangs with his britva, robs stores, breaks into houses, rapes young girls, drinks milk laced with drugs and is eventually even convicted of murder. Burgess portrays the life of the young immature Alex, as a series of mostly evil events. As the reader is embroiled in Alexs life he/she begins to feel nothing but hatred towards Alex and this is mainly down to the disgusting and explicit manner in which they are described. O, my brothers, while I untrussed and got ready for the plunge. Plunging I could slooshy cries of agony .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 , .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .postImageUrl , .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 , .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6:hover , .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6:visited , .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6:active { border:0!important; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6:active , .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6 .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3ce9cbae586ee7bb5ae7ddc3695e7fb6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 'Blood brothers' - Study the contrasts that Willy Russell EssayFor me I feel this is a very significant point. Burgess has summed up Alex as a whole in the language he has used here. The quote is actually describing Alex as he prepares perform the old in-out in-out rape on a young women. I feel the word plunge is used to great success. It has very negative connotations and shows the reader truly how violent Alex is at this stage of the novel. Also I feel the manner in which I imagine Alex saying this is imperative. I feel it is said with a zealous tone, again telling the reader a lot about how Alex thinks and feels toward violence. After studying this text I went through many thoughts and feelings towards the young protagonist of Alex. At first it doesnt seem as if Alex can change and its as if he doesnt want to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" no one is in control of him and at it seems nothing can change him. However after close examination of the passage I found certain instances where signs of a different Alex shone through. And, my brothers, it was real satisfaction to me to waltz à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" left two three, right two three This is a modus operandi technique is one for which Burgess must be credited for. The situation being described is when Alex is involved in an attack on a defenseless man. What I find unusual, yet pertinent about this piece of text is the manner in which Burgess relates Alexs two loves, music and violence. I think this therefore presents the question of could music help change Alex. Yes! Because he has his all-important freedom of thought. The possibility of change is always there at the beginning of the novel, unlike in the latter stages of the novel when Alex becomes A Clockwork Orange Soon after committing a series of rapes, attacks and even a murder Alex is set up by his so called droogs and is sent to prison for fourteen years. However after only two years of his sentence he is drafted in to take part in a government experiment called the Ludovico technique, which would convert him into a creature capable of only sweetness à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" a clockwork orange. You mean, I said, it will be just like going to the pictures Alex is overjoyed when he is  told his treatment involved watching movies: little did he know these movies would change his life completely. His initial thoughts are that of excitement and happiness as he thinks soon he will be a free man ready to get back to his old ways. At this stage Alex never knew what exactly the Ludovico technique entailed and it was this technique that changes Alex and the opinion of the reader. After two torturous weeks of viewing nauseating films Alex is released into a world in which he could no longer even contemplate violent acts. He struggled to adjust to a life without choice à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" you could even question the fact was it a life anymore. He thought he could rely on his parents or pee and em as he would call them à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" however he was wrong, they too turned their backs on him. After re-visiting the place called HOME and being tortured by the music he once loved dearly Alex committed suicide. What I wanted was not something violent but something that would make me go off gentle to sleep and that be the end of your humble narrator This is a significant point in the novel as it is a turning point. In my opinion this is when the reader begins to change their attitude towards Alex. I feel that a life with out choice is not a life; hence its not fair to subject Alex to such cruelty as not being able to think about his own suicide. Surely everyone is allowed to have his or her own freedom of thoughts, even if these thought are evil. .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc , .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .postImageUrl , .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc , .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc:hover , .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc:visited , .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc:active { border:0!important; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc:active , .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubb196d37cfbed9948a31f786297db9cc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Line by line commentary EssaySoon after committing suicide Alex is submitted to hospital where once again his life would go through a major turning point. After increasing press attention the government is forced into removing the affects of the experiment and Alex is finally cured. I was cured all right Many now think Alex will return to his old ways by committing the in out in out and participating in the odd attack here and there: many would think wrong. After leaving hospital Alex does soon return to his old life of sitting in the Korova milk bar while planning the gangs attacks for the evening, however something has changed. Alex is no longer A Clockwork Orange and he realizes this life of violence is wrong and vows to change. In my opinion the way in which A Clockwork Orange finishes is vital in understanding the main theme of the prose. Alex ends the novel by reaching a level of spiritual maturity where he discovers life doesnt revolve around violence and makes a promise to himself vowing to change. Thats what its going to be then, brothers, as I come to the like end of this tale I feel the way in which Burgess has written this piece of prose is noteworthy. The word tale suggests to the reader Alex has real plans for  the future à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" as if to say this is the end of one tale but there is many more tales to come. Burgess points out an interesting question in this novel. Would it be better to be forced to do good or to choose evil with freedom of choice? Would it be right to live our lives perfectly, on the condition that we had no control over it? Burgess states his answer in the words spoken by the prison chaplain, who says, He who cant choose, ceases to be a man. I feel in this captivating novel Alex is treated dreadfully unfairly and everyone needs their own freedom of thought. In the last chapter Alex proves something extremely significant and that is that anyone with their own choice is capable of changing. The experiment to change Alex did no good what so ever and in the end it was his own choice to change. I feel this is an extremely well written novel that asks the reader a lot about their feelings towards Alex and for this reason I found A Clockwork Orange a very superior novel.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The moral and ethical issues associated with recombinant DNA technology Essay Example

The moral and ethical issues associated with recombinant DNA technology Essay Example The moral and ethical issues associated with recombinant DNA technology Essay The moral and ethical issues associated with recombinant DNA technology Essay Gene therapy: Can be used to cure genetic diseases an example of a proven case would be the bubble boy disease commonly known as ADA. (The body has no immunity, and the baby has to be put in a bubble to stop germs infecting) This disease inherited from the parents is caused by the missing or damaged enzyme adenosine deaminase, normally treated with injections of the enzyme. As the injections dont completely restore the immune system. This was the first use of gene therapy in the USA, a copy of the normal genes for ADA enzymes were inserted into an inactive virus that was put in to the patients immune system (Tcells) These grew in a colony then they were put in to the patient like an ordinary blood transfusion(4) and the girl lived, as this was a successful cure. Not many people will argue to curing genetically prone people, but it could get out of hand in theory any desired gene could be instead into an human egg(1) so how far do we go is the question, can we choose what are babes should look like? Are just some of the questions that are asked. Using technology like this has already help cure diseases like cystic fibrosis and can help many more. Genetically altered bacteria: you can develop bacteria to do certain task s not possible such as put them on to a oil spill were they can digest the oil and reduce pollution(2). As well as this u can get rock eating bacteria used by industrial chemist. They use bacteria to produce copper, 10% of copper is produced in this way in the US. The bacteria feed off chalcopyrite(7 ) a copper ore. Transgenic animals: an experiment in the USA which implanted an alien gene in a monkey(3) for the first time gave a step close to finding more cures for humans. The experiment was devised to create Transgenic monkeys which perfectly mimic human diseases, so that cures can be found(3) now test can be done on these monkeys rather than mice as they will show more human like activities. But there are many objections to thesis types of experiments from people like the RSPCA emphasis should be placed on the reducing and replacing primate use with humane alternatives rather than developing new uses for these animals. We believe this is a step too far. Morally and ethically the RSCPA are saying that its wrong. But Transgenic animals can be used in other ways such as producing insulin, interferon and other hormones that some people lack. This is done by inserting the gene for human interferon (a protein that helps to destroy viruses) in to an egg. The cow has all the gene in all of her cells and produces human interferon which is secreted in her milk.(1) Molecular farming: is the growth of transgenic plants that contain health care products, such as vaccines and pharmasuticles(5) to me this is a great idea especially for developing countries were healthcare products are not available or too expensive. I think that this is morally and ethically right. But if allowed it could fall into evil hands and people could develop poisons and other harmful chemicals and this could lead to biological warfare.

Friday, November 22, 2019

History of the African Slave Trade

History of the African Slave Trade Although slavery has been practiced for almost the whole of recorded history, the vast numbers involved in the African slave trade has left a legacy which cannot be ignored. Slavery in Africa Whether slavery existed within sub-Saharan African Iron Age kingdoms before the arrival of Europeans is hotly contested among African studies scholars. What is certain is that Africans were subjected to several forms of slavery over the centuries, including chattel slavery under both the imperial Muslims with the trans-Saharan slave trade and imperial Christian Europeans through the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Between 1400 and 1900, close to 20 million individuals were taken from the African continent during four sizable and mostly simultaneous slave trading operations: Trans-Saharan, Red Sea (Arab), Indian Ocean, and Trans-Atlantic. According to Canadian economic historian Nathan Nunn, by 1800 Africa’s population was half of what it would have been, had the slave trades not occurred. Nunn suggests his estimates based on shipping and census data probably represent about 80% of the total number of people stolen from their homes by the various slave operations. Four Great Slave Trading Operations in Africa Name Dates Number Countries Most Impacted Destination Trans-Saharan early 7th–1960s 3 million 13 countries: Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Chad North Africa Trans-Atlantic 1500–1850 12 million 34 countries: Angola, Ghana, Nigeria, the Congo European colonies in the Americas Indian Ocean 1650–1700 1 million 15 countries: Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar Middle East, India, Indian Ocean Islands Red Sea 1820–1880 1.5 million 7 countries: Ethiopia, Sudan, Chad Egypt and Arabian peninsula Religion and African Slavery Many of the countries who actively enslaved Africans came from states with strong religious underpinnings such as Islam and Christianity. The Quran prescribes the following approach to slavery: free men could not be enslaved, and those faithful to foreign religions could live as protected persons. However, the spread of the Islamic Empire through Africa resulted in a much harsher interpretation of the law, and people from outside the borders of the Islamic Empire were considered an acceptable source of slaves. Before the Civil War, Christianity was used to justify the institution of slavery in the American south, with most clergy in the south believing and preaching that slavery was a progressive institution designed by God to affect the Christianization of Africans.  The use of religious justifications for slavery is not confined to Africa by any means. The Dutch East India Company Africa wasnt the only continent from which slaves were captured: but its countries suffered the most devastation. In many cases, slavery appears to have been a direct outgrowth of expansionism. The great maritime explorations driven by companies such as the Dutch East India Company (VOC) were financed for the specific purpose of adding land to European empires. That land required a labor force far beyond the men sent on exploratory ships. People were enslaved by empires to act as servants; as agricultural, mining, and infrastructure labor; as sex slaves; and as cannon fodder for various armies. The Start of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade When the Portuguese first sailed down the Atlantic African coast in the 1430s, they were interested in one thing: gold. However, by 1500 they had already traded 81,000 Africans to Europe, nearby Atlantic islands, and to Muslim merchants in Africa. So Tomà ©Ã‚  is considered to be a principal port in the export of slaves across the Atlantic, this is, however, only part of the story. The Triangular Trade in Slaves For two hundred years, 1440–1640, Portugal had a monopoly on the export of slaves from Africa. It is notable that they were also the last European country to abolish the institution- although, like France, it still continued to work former slaves as contract laborers, which they called libertos or engagà ©s temps. It is estimated that during the 4 1/2 centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, Portugal was responsible for transporting over 4.5 million Africans (roughly 40% of the total). During the eighteenth century, however, when the slave trade accounted for the transport of a staggering 6 million Africans, Britain was the worst transgressor- responsible for almost 2.5 million. (This is a fact that is often forgotten by those who regularly cite Britains prime role in the abolition of the slave trade.) Information on how many slaves were shipped from Africa across the Atlantic to the Americas during the sixteenth century can only be estimated as very few records exist for this period. But from the seventeenth century onwards, increasingly accurate records, such as ship manifests, are available. Slaves for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade were initially sourced in Senegambia and the Windward Coast. Around 1650 the trade moved to west-central Africa (the Kingdom of the Kongo and neighboring Angola). South Africa It is a popular misconception that slavery in South Africa was mild compared to that in America and the European colonies in the Far East. This is not so, and punishments meted out could be very harsh. From 1680 to 1795 an average of one slave was executed in Cape Town each month and the decaying corpses would be re-hung around town to act as a deterrent to other slaves.   Even after the abolition of the slave trade in Africa, colonial powers used forced labor- such as in King Leopolds Congo Free State (which was operated as a massive labor camp) or as libertos on the Portuguese plantations of Cape Verde or So Tomà ©. As recently as the 1910s, about half of the two million Africans who supported the various powers in World War I were forcibly coerced to do so. Impact of the Slave Trade Historian Nathan Nunn has conducted extensive research on the economic impacts of the massive loss of population during the slave trade. Prior to 1400, there were several Iron Age kingdoms in Africa that were established and growing. As the slave trade ramped up, people in those communities needed to protect themselves and began procuring weapons (iron knives, swords, and firearms) from Europeans by trading slaves. People were kidnapped first from other villages and then from their own communities. In many regions, the internal conflict caused by that led to the disintegration of kingdoms and their replacement by warlords who could not or would not establish stable states. The impacts continue to this day, and despite great indigenous strides in resistance and economic innovation, Nunn believes the scars still hinder the economic growth of countries who lost large numbers of populations to the slave trade compared to those which did not.   Selected Sources and Further Reading Campbell, Gwyn. Madagascar and the Slave Trade, 1810–1895. The Journal of African History 22.2 (1981): 203–27. Print.Du Bois, W.E.B., Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Saidiya Hartman.  The Suppression of the African Slave-Trade to the United States of America, 1638–1870. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007.Gakunzi, David. The Arab-Muslim Slave Trade: Lifting the Taboo. Jewish Political Studies Review 29.3/4 (2018): 40–42. Print.Kehinde, Michael. Trans-Saharan Slave Trade. Encyclopedia of Migration. Eds. Bean, Frank D. and Susan K. Brown. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014. 1–4. Print.Nunn, Nathan. The Long-Term Effects of Africas Slave Trades. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 123.1 (2008): 139–76. Print.Nunn, Nathan, and Leonard Wantchekon. The Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa. The American Economic Review 101.7 (2011): 3221–52. Print.Peach, Lucinda Joy. Human Rights, Religion, and (Sexual) Slavery. The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 20 (2000): 65–87. Print. Vink, Markus. The Worlds Oldest Trade: Dutch Slavery and Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean in the Seventeenth Century. Journal of World History 14.2 (2003): 131–77. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Special education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Special education - Assignment Example Some of the special needs entail communication challenges, physical disabilities, behavioral and emotional behaviors and developmental disorders. Students exhibiting the special needs usually benefit from additional educational services where different approaches are used with examples of a resource room, use of technology and a teaching area that is specifically adapted (University of La Crosse, 2012). This is where special educators come in. Special educators have a repertoire that has evidence based strategies meant to individualize instructions specifically for individuals who have exceptional learning needs (ELN). These strategies enhance critical thinking in learning, problem solving as well as individual skill performance. More over the strategies enhance self-reliance, self-control and self esteem. Special educators play a huge part in put a lot of emphasis in maintenance development and generalization of skills and knowledge across settings, environments and lifespan (Univer sity of La Crosse, 2012). When it comes to assessment, this is a very crucial process during decision making as well as teaching of special educators. The educators use various types of assessment information when making different educational decisions. They also use assessment results to assists them identify the exceptional learning needs and also to come up and enforce individualized instructional programs and also adjust instruction when it comes to responding to ongoing learning progress (University of La Crosse, 2012). ... In addition, they understand assessment that is related to eligibility, referral, instruction, program planning and placement. An empirical study conduct by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) in regards to the participation of disabled students in regards to statewide testing programs, probed the question of why students were excluded in these assessments (Almond et al, 1997). Despite the fact that participation rates largely contributed to poor data collection during testing time, the study found that there was also the files that used key marker variables. This resulted in many disabled students being lost in the midst. The study identified the four reasons that make statewide assessment to be used and they included; providing data so as to inform policy, make decisions regarding student competence, provide accountability data based on criterion achievement levels and lastly, to be able to compare the local agencies that are local (Almond et al, 1997). In their meth odology, they focused on testing students with disabilities from 3rd, 5th, 8th as well as 10th graders. After having done their research, the NCEO found that program participation and demographic data would be used when it came to grouping of scores and also taking into consideration the effects of program services, age, language proficiency and socioeconomic status (Almond et al, 1997). Therefore, when it comes to the evidence that I will use to make sure my students responses as well as errors guided discussion decisions and ensure that feedback is provided to learners, I will use the evidence based practice. This is where there is use of instructional strategy, teaching program or intervention that leads to consistent positive results particularly when they are experimentally

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Writing project 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writing project 1 - Essay Example Policies, argued a professor from my community who taught in a faraway university, were the only way that the world progressed. Yet, no policy change was possible without knowledge and education. Being a culturally rich community, people started seeing the importance of reading. In a bid to promote the culture of reading, one of the measures put in place was the introduction of the annual culture-reading week. I always wanted to take part in the event. When my opportunity came, I had the experience that changed my perception about reading and had considerable influence in my entire life as a reader. The desire to inculcate the reading culture among the future generations, it was important to introduce the reading culture to the children at a very young age. There were prizes won in the event, all of which were coveted books. The best readers won a series of storybooks that appeared on a popular television show in form of film. Father knew the importance of reading. Further, he understood the importance of the event. Immediately after the announcement of the event, which was to take place six months from the date of its announcement, father encouraged me to start preparing for the event. As I was new to reading, I faced numerous challenges. I paid little attention to the contents in the book. I even found them less interesting. My elder brother however, who had taken part in the event encouraged me to develop the liking for books. He introduced to comic books first, especially the â€Å"Gulliver the traveler†, which became my most interesting and favorite book. Later, with his assistance, I read the book, â€Å"daisy in wonderland.† As I progressed, I started loving the stories. I saw them being interesting, others captivating. I even started missing the next time I would get the chance to read the book. While my brother stayed up late reading the contemporary issues of the current world, I joined him in the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How Did the Decision to Conduct an ROI Study Influence the Design of Coaching Program Essay Example for Free

How Did the Decision to Conduct an ROI Study Influence the Design of Coaching Program Essay How did the decision to conduct an ROI study influence the design of coaching program. Nations Hotel Corporation is one of the reputed USA based hotel company, with an international presence in 15 countries worldwide. Hospitality industries are quiet competitive in nature and today’s success rule of hospitality includes knowledge, customer satisfaction and operational efficiency which provides pleasure of stay and departure to their guests. Any addition or subtraction in these components can increase or decrease the rating of any organization. Nations Hotel with 98% brand awareness and 72% as customer satisfaction ratio were still far from the race of preferred choice amongst the customers. Hence there, arose a need to identify the gap , so a study was conducted by the Nations hotel learning organizations (NHLO), as a result need for high leverage training program (Chapter 1-Introduction to employee training and development- High Leverage Training Program) was determined, which can improve the operational efficiency, help in retention of high performing employees and increase the level of customer satisfaction, so a structured coaching program was proposed in front of senior executives, which can have impact on business . (Chapter 1-Introduction to employee training and devlopment -ASTD Competency model, this model shows the role of training and how it will impact the business strategy). Since these strategic trainings, are expansive in nature , senior executives of Nations hotel were concerned with the calculation of Return on Investments (â€Å"Chapter -6, Training Evaluation-ROI) on coaching project, calculation of direct and indirect cost and benefits achieved through the coaching program became crucial factor in designing the program. Instead of directly going ahead with the coaching program for all employees , Nations hotel selected 25 employees randomly for the training( chapter 6-Training and evaluation-Pilot Testing, random assignment). This small selection of team was an effective decision , as identifying the strength and weakness of the coaching program brought an opportunity to make changes before ,this coaching program became available to all employees, besides this factor, another strong reason was individual coaching was a huge investment for Nations hotel, so through pilot testing evaluating the effectiveness of training and cost , and conducting need assessment was better approach to calculate the ROI for the coaching program, so that finally while evaluating the results and business impact after conducting the coaching program for the executives, Nations hotel can make a decision on further expanding this coaching program for rest of the employees. Hence the coaching program was designed in 14 steps, which comprised of the following steps. 1. Voluntary participation 2. Need for Coaching 3. Self Assessments 4. Commitment for data 5. Roles and responsibilities 6. The match 7. Orientation session 8. The engagement 9. Coaching session 10. Goal setting 11 . Action planning 12. Active learning 13. Progress review 14. Reporting. These steps helped in calculating various components of ROI which includes both the calculation of tangible and non tangible benefits, evaluation of confidence level amongst the newly trained employees, monetary value gained or lost, impact on turnover, measurement of service improvement, and last but not the least job satisfaction amongst employees after this coaching program, which will finally have impact on business. (Chapter 6-Training Evaluation-Results Return on Investment). Question 2. Discuss the importance of getting participants committed to provide quality data. Determining the effectiveness of training program is referred as evaluation. Kirkpatrick’s four level framework measures the outcomes of an effective training program, which includes following four levels of evaluation, also there is a fifth level of evaluation, which is out of the Kirkpatrick’s framework of evaluation, and is known as Return on Investment. (Chapter 6-Training Evaluation-Kirkpatrick’s four level of framework of evaluation criteria) Level 1 Reaction: It provides feedback about the content of the program, participant’s engagement, data gathered in this level helps in improving the training program Level 2. Learning: Knowledge and skills of trainees are tested through norm referenced test, criterion referenced test or quizzes, observations and work samples, and data collected at this level, helps to judge the skill based outcomes of trainee from the training. Level 3. Application: These are also known as affective outcomes, which are measured through collection of data via interviews and attitude surveys, to measure the skill enhancements after training. Level 4. Results or Business Impact: How much training program has paid off for the company, such as improvement in customer care inclined or declined on turn around time after the training, measuring such outcomes falls, under this level, which is measured by collecting data through performance records, observation, information system Level 5. ROI: This step compares the monetary benefits to the organization with the cost of training, such as by collecting data for both tangible and intangible benefits, which includes direct and indirect cost , level of confidence , job satisfaction , cost benefit analysis etc.. Result of one level of evaluation, becomes the benchmark for the next level of evaluation, this can be best explained by the example of Nations Hotel, where careful and quality data recorded in action plan and company records by executives helped the NHLO team in making of convincing ,coaching business impact program. The ROI process in Nations Hotel, involved gathering data through out the coaching, so that evaluation result can be evaluated in all the above mentioned five levels. Since participants (executives, senior executives, coach) provided data at every level of evaluation, which helped in further clubbing of all the data, that was collected at all five levels separately, were than integrated to provide an overall evaluation of the program, and measure how effectively the program is impacting the strategic goals of the company, careful and accurate data collection at all levels helped the NHLO team to measure the result of coaching program at every step, so that any flaw at one level , can be rectified easily before moving to the next step, for example the benefit cost ratio of NHLO was 3. 21, that is it, suggests that on every dollar spend,$3. 21 was returned, but in absence of accurate data this figure would have been misleading , and could have resulted in fiasco. Not only Nations Hotel, infact most of the companies follows similar process for evaluating the levels, by collecting data at every level, and than utilizing the data for moving ahead with the next level. These data’s were further converted into monetary value, through various ways, which was further utilized in analyzing the ROI on training. In absence of quality data, training will have no impact neither for an individual in terms of cognitive, skills application, and affective outcomes nor for any organization in terms of positive business impact and ROI, which an organization aimed for. Hence quality data from the participants has a huge impact in determining the credibility, reliability and relevance of the training program ,so active participation from the trainees and providing reliable data, is essential for an effective training program (Chapter 6-Training evaluation-Outcomes used in evaluating training programs)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Noras Discovery of Self in Ibsens A Dolls House Essays -- Dolls Hou

Nora's Discovery of Self in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House         Ã‚  Ibsen's play, "A Doll House," involves a woman who begins the play as a common housewife and through a series of joyous occurrences and catastrophes becomes a self-liberating woman.   Nora Helmer is transformed and decides to abandon her family and home in search of her true self.   She arrives at this point because of several factors.   Her refusal to submit to her husband and her self-realization is brought on by the way she has been taught to act by her husband and her father, and the contradicting demands the situations that she has had to deal with gave her.   Her true devotion to herself is discovered because of the false devotion she felt towards her husband and her role in her family.   In "A Doll House," Henrik Ibsen uses the character of Nora to show that the way in which a woman is treated and her assumed role in society can actually lead to her discovery of her own true humanity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though it seems contradictory, it is actually Torvald Helmer, Nora's husband, who cause Nora to refuse to submit to him.   Torvald holds a very low opinion of Nora's ability to handle things for herself, and allows her almost no responsibility relating to the family outside of the trivial things in the home.   His incessant use of his pet names, "songbird" and "squirrel" for example, trivialize her place in their home.   However, when Torvald becomes ill, it becomes Nora's responsibility to provide for his recovery.   Of course, Torvald, mustn't know anything about Nora borrowing money for his sake, which the situation demands.   So Nora is thrown into a dilemma.   Here her first decision to disobey her husband's wishes, in point of fact for the sake of her love for hi... ...e would long ago have told him about her troubles."   (294)    Works Cited: Gray, Ronald. "Henrik Ibsen." European Writers:   The Romantic Century.   New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1985. Vol. 7, pp.1428-1430 Hardwick, Elizabeth. "A Doll's House." Drama Criticism.   Detroit:   Gale Research Inc., 1992.   Vol. 2, pp. 294-295 Harris, Laurie Lanzen. "Henrik Ibsen." Characters in 20th Century Literature.   New York: Gale Research Inc., 1990.   p. 183 Huneker, James.   "Ibsen." Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism.   Detroit:   Gale Research Inc., 1979. Vol. 2, pp.222-223 Ibsen, Henrik. "A Doll House." Perrine's Literature.   Forth Worth:   Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998.   pp. 967-1023    Works Consulted Shaw, Bernard. "A Doll's House Again."   Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism.   Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1979. Vol. 8, p. 143   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Success Through a Foreign Language

SUCCESS THROUGH A FOREIGN LANGUAGE These are a couple of readings that I have been asked to do for our friends from Russia who visited with us as a part of the Children of Chernobyl Program. I'm going to read a short selection from a motivational book called â€Å"Insight†. This particular reading has to do with the importance of understanding and using foreign languages that might be appropriate to the Russian students, because, certainly, we're living in a world that is getting smaller and smaller and we're going to have to be able to communicate in more than one language if we are going to be successful.The second reading is from †¦ it's the first chapter of a book by Jane Carlson who is the President of Scandinavian Airlines. It's called â€Å"Moments of Truth† and it is a handbook, or manual, for people who are interested in doing a better job of customer service. Scandinavian Airlines has a great reputation for wonderful customer service. Those are the two re adings. The first one is called â€Å"Success through a Foreign Language†. Every year an industrial manufacturer in Virginia grudgingly shells out the cash to send two employees to a language school to learn French.The employees have the technical and managerial abilities for the job but they lack the necessary foreign language skills. The practice of paying for the foreign language training of otherwise qualified employees is common among many employers. Increasingly, however, employers are avoiding this extra expense by emphasizing the requirement for foreign language skills during the hiring process. Richard Moore, Vice-President of the Arlington-Virginia Branch of John and Snow Incorporated, a public health consulting firm, admits that he gives preference to people who know a foreign language, even if the language isn't required for their job.This new trend toward emphasizing foreign language skills is opening doors for many individuals who have risen to the challenge. Wh en they are seeking a new job or advancement at their current company, bilingual and multilingual individuals often have the competitive edge. In fact, in some cases, the need for foreign language speakers is so great that companies go to the language departments, rather than the business departments, of universities, to recruit upcoming graduates.For example, recently 30 Boston University students from the Schools Spanish Program were recruited for jobs in Venezuela. This doesn't mean that you must have a foreign language major to benefit professionally. In fact, despite popular belief, in a business situation, you don't even have to be fluent in a foreign language. According to Lorraine Smith, President of the Language Exchange in Washington, D. C, even knowing a little of a foreign language puts a foreign individual at ease, and consequently, increases the communication and negotiation potential of the situation.Smith points out that from both the foreigner's and your supervisor' s prospective any level of a foreign language proficiency shows a bit more of a commitment to the client and to your business. More than 50 % of the students at the Language Exchange are learning a foreign language for their careers. More than 75 % of the students studying Russian, Spanish or French cite â€Å"career success† as their language learning incentive. However, at the University level, the number of individuals learning a language for career success is much smaller.According to Professor Jeff Delusio this is because younger students expect others will know English. But the Survey Business Person knows that this isn't always true and even when it is the case, by relying on another's language abilities you are abdicating control of the situation. Robert Taylor, President and Co-Founder of Taylor Associates International, Washington, D. C, based Health-care management consulting firm that operates primarily in foreign countries, finds that in his dealings in countries in the Middle East and the South Pacific relying on the natives' English is problematic for other reasons as well.We are unable to ask questions in the way we truly intend, he says. In addition, it's difficult to pick up subtleties of communication. Taylor hasn't found the use of interpreters to be the answer in these situations either. In fact, most linguists and business people agree with him that the potential for miscommunication is great when using interpreters. Not only have most foreign interpreters learnt British English, but also they are often faced with time constraints in order to keep the conversation flowing.As a result, they tend to encapsulate their translations opening the door for more errors. Having an edge in the international market place means meeting its language needs and staying current with the global changes. Currently, Taylor Associates lacks French and Spanish speakers – a fact that has lost it valuable business opportunities in several rapidly d eveloping foreign markets. For example, without French-speaking employees the doors have been closed to the company in the countries of North Africa where there's a strong market for health systems analysts.Similarly, lacking Spanish-speaking employees, Taylor Associates has lost out in Latin America where public health systems are developing at a swift rate. John Snow, on the other hand, owes much of its success to a ready supply of foreign language speakers. The company's combination of expertise in the growing field of public health and the Spanish and French-speaking employees has allowed it to bring its business to approximately 30 countries. Some professional areas have stronger language needs than others, and for certain languages all of the others.For instance, Japanese, Chinese and other Asian languages are in high demand in sales, marketing and trade specialties. And Spanish speakers are needed in development agencies, health-care professions and environmental organization s. With the end of the cold war, Russian and German have become the two fastest-growing foreign languages studied in America. Generally, Russian and German, along with other languages spoken in Eastern European countries, are in great demand in areas of economics and policy consulting by governments, research institutions and large American corporations eager to enter this new market.The Eurasia Foundation in Washington, D. C, a newly-established and independent Government-supported organization, arranges grants for economic and democratic reform in the former Soviet Union. Russian and other Newly Independent State Languages are in demand both for employees of the organization and for recipients of its grants, including the United States and other Western non-profit organizations and businesses. Jim Casual, program officer at Eurasia Foundation, sees a dramatic growth in private industry in these countries and predicts it will only get better.With this upswing in private industry is the need for the Western know-how and assistance, and he says, people who know Russian and N. I. S. Languages have a huge advantage. Foreign language abilities can turn into professional growth in the European Community as well. Currently, French is most commonly used among policy-makers, since the organization is headquartered in Brussels. However, French is not the official language of the European Community. Actually, according to Allan Cuckoff, Spokesman for the European Community delegation in Washington D. C. , there are nine official languages.As a result, the European Community relies heavily on translators. In fact, language translation itself has become a large-growth industry there. Because there is little incentive for policy-makers to learn English, the English speaker who knows another language has an edge. In addition to career success, there are numerous personal benefits in learning a foreign language. For example, the process of learning a foreign language flexes your creative muscle. As you know, the more you exercise your creativity, the more creative you become. Your memory, particularly long-term memory, gets a good workout.In language learning we discover a combination of memory training techniques suitable to your needs, such as word association and rhyming patterns. These techniques can be applied successfully to other situations as well, such as remembering people's names and memorizing vital business statistics. You'll feel more confident when communicating because your interpersonal skills will grow no matter which language is used to converse. You become more open to new cultures and places. Language and culture are inseparable, leading many to see language learning as a form of diversity training.Within the United States, Spanish is the fastest-growing language, and speaking Spanish is a great way to demonstrate your awareness of and sensitivity to the diversities in your nation's population. Before you begin to study a foreign l anguage, develop a successful attitude. Exorcise those ghosts from embarrassing high-school language classes. Many modern language classes are small and interactive, allowing little room for inhibitions. Whether you're in a classroom or teaching yourself, self-confidence is a key. And remember: foreign language learning, especially your first one, is work.Success at it requires practice and patience, in addition to the constant reminders that you CAN do it. Before tackling a foreign language, also ask yourself the following four questions: 1. How will this help me in my career? 2. How will this help me in my personal development? 3. How much of this language do I really need to know? 4. How much of this language do I already know? Your answers to the first two questions should be your goals and your incentives. Don't forget them. The third question is crucial to setting a realistic language goal.If you need to learn Russian or Spanish only for business meetings, focus your attention on the spoken language and steer clear of unnecessary areas, such as historical verb tenses found only in literature. You won't need to know them, and consequently, you won't enjoy learning them. The last question, that is â€Å"How much of this language do I already know? â€Å", will help you realize that you probably already have some of the language under your belt, even if it's just a little bit. Knowing â€Å"uno, due, tres† and the names of your favorite Mexican foods is a warm-up for Spanish.Next recall how Spanish speakers pronounce these common words. For languages such as Japanese, the search for words might be a little more difficult. Instead, start with names, such as â€Å"Kawasaki† or â€Å"Mitsubishi†. Do you hear a pattern? Yes, they are all four-syllable names. Now that you are in the right frame of mind, here are some tips for learning process. Avoid crash courses. Crash courses often teach too much, too quickly not allowing the brain to ab sorb the beginning lessons before the later ones are taught. Language learning is incremental.You have to understand the beginning before going on to the middle. Listen to audio cassettes for pronunciation and cadence, but be warned, some audio cassettes merely have you repeat phrases. This method does not help you retain what you've learned. Look for interactive audio programs that encourage you to answer questions and think in the language. Listen to foreign radio. In most areas there are radio programs and some times entire stations in a foreign language. If you have difficulty finding one of these, inquire at your local public radio station. Watch videos in a foreign language.Whether they are for learning or for pleasure, videos provide a great way to hear the language in the context of natural conversation. Full-length films are loaded with idioms, hand gestures and other cultural and language specific characteristics. When you read in a language, don't try to understand everyt hing. You ought to avoid dictionary dependence. Certainly, you didn't use a dictionary to learn your native language. Instead, skim and read what you can. By going for the gist of the piece you'll enjoy reading more and progress faster. Newspapers and magazines are fantastic vocabulary builders, because you will find plenty of ontextual clues in the pictures and the topics will probably be ones you've already read about in English. Seek out native speakers. If you are unable to visit the country where the language is spoken, find native speakers in your area with whom you can converse. You can get in touch with them through colleges, consulates and cultural centres. Mimic foreigners speaking English as well as their native language. Some teachers start their beginner foreign language classes by having the students imitate foreigners speaking English. It helps the students in their pronunciation of the foreign language.Don't get bored down analyzing the language. Practice is the key to learning a foreign language rather than spending weeks memorizing every form of every verb tense. Practise with the vocabulary you have. The more you converse, the quicker the missing pieces of your vocabulary will fall into place. And, finally, write new vocabulary words and phrases on index cards with the English translation on the back. Index cards easily fit it the coat pockets and handbags and can be pulled out and studied just about anywhere. A few tips on the importance of how you go about learning a little bit about a foreign language.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cja 234 Jail and Prison

Jail and Prison CJA 234 Jails and prisons from the outside perspective seem to have the same meaning. Although jails and prisons are a part of the criminal justice system correctional system, the fact is jails and prisons are different. The jail system is a short-term facility where inmates are confined until their trial date. State and Federal prisons are long-term facilities where inmates are confined after being convicted. The roles and functions of jails throughout history set the standards for jail. An inmate is taken after they have been arrested for committing a crime.Jail is a short-term location for inmates who are awaiting trial or sentencing. Inmates sentenced to twelve months or less serve their time in jail. Jails are owned and operated by the states local government or the sheriff’s office. â€Å"The first jails were created in England and they were called gaol† (Seiter, 2011, p. 72). Early jails had terrible conditions such as filth, no medical care, and poor food. There were times when large numbers of inmates were contained in one large room. â€Å"Jails were used to house displaced persons, the poor, and the mentally ill because of the vagrancy problems during he fourteenth and eighteen centuries† (Seiter, 2011, p. 72). In 1773, John Howard was the sheriff of Bedfordshire. During his inspection of the local jail John was surprised by the horrible conditions. To find examples of prisons that could be replicated in England, John Howard visited other European countries. John Howard along with members of the English House of Commons drafted the Penitentiary Act of 1779. A reformatory regime that required inmates to be confined in cells unless they were working in common rooms, secure and sanitary, systematic inspections, nd abolition of fees were the four requirements created from this act for English prisons and jails. Jails have an important role in corrections; jails are also known as correctional centers. The purpose of ja il is confine criminals to punish them for their wrongdoings. Criminals must be held accountable for their own actions, the criminal’s punishment is determined after conviction. The theory for incarceration is that if criminals are imprisoned they will not commit crimes. Being incarcerated gives inmates the opportunity to evaluate their actions to make wiser decisions.State prisons are operated by the state; state prisons are prisons that confine inmates that have committed state crimes or crimes committed in that state. Every state has its own penal code. When an inmate is serving more than one year they are contained in a state prison. Robbery and sex crimes are examples of state crimes. Federal prisons are prisons that confine inmates that have committed federal crimes. Federal prisons are operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The Bureau of Justice Statistics states inmates confined to federal prisons are the legal authority f the federal government. Jails and prisons classify inmates by security levels. It is essential for each inmate to be assessed and classified into the appropriate correctional setting. If prisoners were held in a prison without concern for classification there would be a several concerns. Jails, state prisons, and federal prisons purpose is to confine and rehabilitate criminals. Institutional misconduct, prison violence, over crowdedness, and prison escapes are a few concerns. Inmates are separated by the seriousness of the crime committed, previous records, and violence history.Security levels are physical features that jails, state prisons, and federal prison have in place to control the behavior of inmates and prevent them from escaping. Jails have security levels that inmates are evaluated and confined to. The security levels are the basic security levels. The type of security in a jail is at the jails discretion. The Cook County Sheriff’s office categorized by divisions. There are different types of jails and pr isons. Each security level has rules and restrictions, they have some similarities but, they are different. The igher the security level the more restrictions are in place. In state prisons inmates are classified by security levels. The security level is determined by each state. Inmates are categorized by the type of problems they have and their violence level. The common levels of security for state prisons are low, medium, high, and maximum security. States do not categorize the security levels with the same name even though the definitions are the same. Jails, state prisons, and federal prisons have the same theory, which is protecting the public by ensuring the accused and convicted are detained.There are five security levels in the federal prisons system: minimum, low, medium, high, and administrative. According to the Federal of Bureau of Prisons website the highest percentage of inmates is in low security. The different security levels are necessary to confine the offenders appropriately. The minimum security institutions are known as Federal Prison Camp (FPCs). The FPC’s have limited perimeter fencing. The low security institutions are known as Federal Correctional Institutions (FCIs). The FCI’s have double-fenced perimeters. The medium securityFCI’s have double-fenced perimeters with electronic detection systems. The high security institutions are known as the United States Penitentiaries (USPs). The USPs are highly secured with walls or reinforced fences. Jails and prisons are places where inmates are incarcerated to become rehabilitated. There are similarities and differences between jail, state prison, and federal prison, the main difference in the amenities and programs. Jails are locally operated, state prisons are operated by the state, and federal prisons are operated by the federal government. The difference in jail, state, and federal rison is how defendants serve their time. Defendants that are convicted of state crimes serve their time in state prison, defendants that are convicted of federal crimes serve their time in federal prison. Defendants that are convicted of minor crimes and sentenced to two years or less serve their time in a jail. Because jails are considered to be short-term, state prisons and federal prisons offer training and programs that jails do not offer. A county jail may offer work release programs. State and federal prions also offer work release programs, they also may have alfway houses services or vocational training. The jail and prions system has the tools necessary to ensure offenders will become positive productive members of society. The prison population has increased. The factors that influence the growth in jails, state prisons, and federal prisons are economic conditions, sentencing laws, crime rates, and offenders returning to prison. Jails and prisons are different, each facility have its own problems. The common goal between jail and prions is serving and prote cting the community and helping the convicts reenter society as positive productive members.References Bureau of Justice Statistics. Office of justice programs. Retrieved from http://bjs. ojp. usdoj. gov/index. cfm? ty=tp&tid=133 Cook county Sheriff website. Retrieved from http://www. cookcountysheriff. org/doc/doc_DivisionsOfJail. html Federal Bureau of Prisons. An agency of the U. S. Department of Justice. Retrieved from http://www. bop. gov/about/facts. jsp. http://www. bop. gov/locations/institutions/index. jsp Seiter, R. (2011). Corrections: An introduction, Third Edition. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Importance of Communism essays

Importance of Communism essays In the eyes of many individuals communism is seen as the route of all evil and the worst choice for a system of government. Many countries including the United States have spent a lot of time, money and effort in order to prevent the spread and influence of communism throughout the world. Even though freedom is associated with democracy and control with communism, there are many instances where certain people need to be governed under a communist regime. In the eyes of such figures as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, communism is nothing more than abolition of private property. Which means that the government controls the state. These two as well as many others see communism as the only fit way to govern and in some cases this is true. In one of the readings Karl Marx makes a very good argument in showing how over history there have been social rankings and control, but it was not labeled as communism. He says in the earlier epochs of history we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. This proves that people are accustomed to living in a world where certain individuals rule and the citizens or people obey their rules or laws. A great example of where communism works and is followed is in both Russia and China. Without the rule under communism both countries would probably be in total chaos. The people are accustomed to following orders and being taken care of by the government. The country survives through the government and if the people had to provide for themselves an endless amount of problems would occur, such as starvation, poverty, and chaos. From the reading anyone can see the positives of communism and its impact on cert ain societies. Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels prove that communism is necessary and is helpful in containing governments that are not good for the people. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Becas para estudiar en la universidad en Estados Unidos

Becas para estudiar en la universidad en Estados Unidos Los estudiantes domà ©sticos (ciudadanos, residentes, indocumentados) y tambià ©n los internacionales que desean estudiar en una  Ã‚  universidades o colleges en Estados Unidos se enfrentan a grandes costos de matrà ­cula, alojamiento, libros, seguro, etc. A la hora de buscar fondos econà ³micos que paguen o ayuden a pagar por los estudios,  tener presente que la gran fuente de ayuda financiera son las propias  universidades, que ofrecen sus propios paquetes de ayuda: becas, crà ©ditos, trabajo o una combinacià ³n de esas posibilidades. De hecho, algunas de las mejores universidades de Estados Unidos -incluso Ivy League- siguen un sistema de admisià ³n need-blind que garantiza importantes becas a todos los alumnos admitidos, incluidos los internacionales con expedientes acadà ©micos sobresalientes, que es necesario convalidar o sellar con la Apostilla de la Haya, segà ºn las reglas de cada institucià ³n.. Otras universidades ofrecen paquetes financieros ms limitados, pero importantes y tambià ©n se puede buscar becas en organizaciones externas, como las siguientes. Listado de 25 organizaciones que becan a estudiantes -incluidos internacionales- en Estados Unidos AACE International Competitive Scholarship Program Para quià ©nes: estudiantes a nivel universitario, incluidos los internacionales, que centren sus estudios en Negocios, Tecnologà ­a de la Informacià ³n, Ciencias de la Computacià ³n, Ingenierà ­a y Gerencia o Construccià ³n de Edificios. AAUW International Fellowships Para quià ©nes: estudiantes internacionales que son mujeres y que estudian a nivel de maestrà ­a, doctorado u otro postgrado. El importe de las becas va desde los $18,000 a los $30,000. Annie ´s Sustainable Agriculture Foundation Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier paà ­s que realizan estudios relacionados con la agricultura sostenible en Estados Unidos. Los importes de las becas oscilan entre los $2,500 y los $10,000. AORN Foundation Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad que realizan estudios de enfermerà ­a de quirà ³fano o pre-operacià ³n. ASHFoundation Graduate Scholarship for International Students Para quià ©nes: estudiantes internacionales y residentes permanentes legales en Estados Unidos a nivel de maestrà ­a o doctorado que cursan estudios en Ciencias de la Comunicacià ³n y Desà ³rdenes, como es Lenguaje de Signos, Enseà ±anza a alumnos con desà ³rdenes de lenguaje. Se concede una beca anualmente por importe de $5,000. Broome Allen Scholarship Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad pero que està ©n estudiando en EEUU. Es un requisito para poder aplicar ser de origen sefardà ­. Est abierto a estudiantes en à ºltimo aà ±o de liceo, en college, haciendo cursos de maestrà ­a o doctorado. Charles and Lucille King Family Foundation Scholarship Para quià ©nes: Estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad que realicen estudios de televisià ³n o produccià ³n de cine en una universidad de los Estados Unidos. Chefs4Students Para quià ©nes: estudiantes universitarios de cualqueir paà ­s que realizan en EEUU estudios de cocina, horneado, pastelerà ­a, dietà ©tica, nuticià ³n y similares. El importe de las becas es de $1,000 y se conceden cuatro anualmente. Concursos Ayn Rand Para quià ©nes: estudiantes estadounidenses y extranjeros. Para participar debe escribirse un ensayo basado en una obra de esta autora. Las becas varà ­an en su compensacià ³n. Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad que estudian en una institucià ³n educativa en los Estados Unidos. Para participar para poder ganar la beca hay que crear una tarjeta con una foto o un diseà ±o grfico generado por computadora. Para presentarse el candidato ha de tener entre 14 y 35 aà ±os de edad y el premio al que se opta es una beca de $10,000. Fullbright Scholarship for International Students Para quià ©nes: estudiantes internacionales (los estadounidenses tienen su propia versià ³n). Cada aà ±o unos 4,000 estudiantes acceden a estas becas gestionadas por el Departamento de Estado. Son la crema de la crema. El proceso de seleccià ³n es riguroso y muy largo, por lo que es muy conveniente estar atento a los plazos. Earl Warren Scholarship Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier paà ­s que vayan a estudiar Derecho en los Estados Unidos. La beca es de $3,000 y premia a los candidatos que tengan un historial extraordinario de participacià ³n en asuntos de derechos civiles o interà ©s pà ºblico. Esta beca est gestionada por NÇAACP. Elie Wiesel Price in Ethics Essay Contest Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad enrolados en una universidad en Estados Unidos. El importe de estas becas est entre los $500 y los $5,000. Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Para quià ©nes: mujeres de cualquier nacionalidad en su à ºltimo aà ±o de licenciattura o que van a iniciar cursos de maestrà ­a o doctorado en los Estados Unidos en las reas de Ingenierà ­a, Ciencias de la Computacià ³n o semejantes. Se exige una nota media en los estudios realizados de GPA 3.5. El importe de la beca es de $10,000. Google Lime Scholarship Program Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad con una discapacidad, que en la actualidad està ©n estudiando en una universidad de EEUU o Canad y cuyos estudios se centran en Ciencias de la Computacià ³n, Ingenierà ­a de la Computacià ³n o similares. Se conceden anualmente 15 becas cuyos importes oscilan entre los $5,000 y los $10,000. Google Science Fair Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier paà ­s que presenten un proyecto en un rea predeterminada de Ciencias, bien individualmente o bien como miembros de un equipo. Las becas oscilan entre los $25,000 y los $50,000. Global Scholarship Alliance Para quià ©nes: estudiantes internacionales a nivel universitario, de maestrà ­a o doctorado en reas relacionadas con la enfermerà ­a. Tambià ©n brinda la oportunidad de realizar prcticas de entenamiento en las propias universidades o en instituciones mà ©dicas. HENAAC Scholars Program Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad pero hispanos que estn estudiando para licenciarse o a nivel de maestrà ­a en Ciencias, Ingenierà ­a, Matemticas o Tecnologà ­a (STEM, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Se requiere calificaciones de un GPA de al menos 3.0 para aplicar. LMSA Scholarship for US Medical Students Para quià ©nes: a pesar de su nombre, esta beca est abierta a todos los estudiantes de medicina en EEUU que sirvan a la comunidad latina u otra en situacià ³n de desventaja. Microsoft Scholarship Program Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad en Estados Unidos (en algunas modalidades se admite tambià ©n Canad y Mà ©xico) que realicen estudios de Ciencias de la Comunicacià ³n, Ingenierà ­a Computacional y campos semejantes. Hay que destacar que adems del programa general de becas, Microsoft tambià ©n ofrece ayudas centradas en grupos de poblacià ³n especà ­fico para las que tambià ©n pueden aplicar los estudiantes universitarios, como son las becas para mujeres, para minorà ­as o para personas con una incapacidad. El importe de los premios varà ­a. PEO International Peace Scholarship Para quià ©nes: Mujeres estudiantes internacionales de maestrà ­a o doctorado. Se conceden hasta 200 becas de $10,000 cada una. Para recibir este premio es necesario comprometerse a regresar al paà ­s de origen tras finalizar los estudios. Point Foundation Scholarship Program Para quià ©nes: ciudadanos americanos y estudiantes internacionales enrolados en una universidad estadounidense. Los candidatos deben participar de algà ºn modo en actividades de la comunidad lesbiana, gay, bisexual o transexual (LGBT, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). El importe del premio es de $10,000. Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship Para quià ©nes: estudiantes universitarios, de maestrà ­a o doctorado cualquiera que sea su nacionalidad y sin importar la ubicacià ³n de su universidad que realicen estudios de Contabilidad, Administracià ³n de Negocios, Finanzas o Justicia Criminal. Se conceden 30 becas anualmente por importes que van desde los $1,000 a los 10,000. Society of Exploration Geophysicist Foundation Para quià ©nes: estudiantes de à ºltimo aà ±o de liceo, universitarios, de maestrà ­a o doctorado cuya finalidad es una carrera en Geofà ­sica o en un campo estrechamente relacionado. Pueden aplicar ciudadanos de cualquier paà ­s y no es necesario cursar los estudios en EEUU. El monto de las becas varà ­a grandemente pero la media es de $2,500. Women in Aerospace Foundation Para quià ©nes: mujeres de cualquier paà ­s que realizan sus estudios aeroespaciales en Estados Unidos. Se conceden anualmente dos becas por importe de $2,000 cada una. Testimonial Lee esta entrevista a Miguel Pà ©rez, quien llegà ³ a Estados Unidos como estudiante universitario con una beca y en la actualidad es residente permanente. De interà ©s Ya que se gasta mucho dinero, elegir una universidad cuyo tà ­tulo amerite el esfuerzo econà ³mico, estas son las  10 mejores universidades para estudiar ingenierà ­a. A tener en cuenta Los muchachos no conoceros de las leyes de los Estados Unidos deben de saber cul es la edad del consentimiento sexual en cada estado. Tener relaciones sexuales consentidas con un menor de edad puede tener consecuencias legales serias.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Strategic Management - Essay Example Conclusion 11 References 13 1. Introduction The evaluation of an industry’s performance is commonly developed using a series of criteria. The conditions in the industry’s environment, in all its aspects, have a key role in understanding the industry’s perspectives for a long terms growth. The use of theoretical frameworks and models can also help to check the status of an industry, either in the short or the long term. Current paper focuses on the evaluation of global automotive industry in regard to a particular aspect: the industry’s supply and demand chain. The sector matrix framework has been used for exploring the issue under examination. Two well known theoretical frameworks, the Value Chain Analysis model of Porter and the Product-Commodity Chain of Gereffi have been used for developing an effective sector matrix framework, as aligned with the needs and the challenges of the particular industry. It is proved that the current performance of automotiv e industry in terms of supply/demand could be improved by controlling rapid expansion so that time is available for responding effectively to the needs of each market. 2. The ‘sector matrix’ framework – description and characteristics The sector matrix framework used for the evaluation of the automotive industry would be based on the following fact: economies worldwide are not equally developed. More specifically, there are economies that have been able to promote technological advances and commerce, achieving an important growth (Cohen 2012). Reference should be also made to countries with quite low economic and commercial performance; these countries have not managed to follow global technological advances (Cohen 2012). The evaluation of the performance of the automotive industry globally would be based on the perception that economic growth around the world is not equally; therefore, the findings of the sector matrix analysis would be related primarily to deve loped and emerging economies that have the potential to support the development of automotive industry. Another issue that should be taken into consideration when developing the sector matrix related to the automotive industry is the following one: the specific matrix is based on different market and organizational elements; these elements are also included in other theoretical frameworks, such as the Porter’s Value Chain analysis (Graph 1) and the Gereffi’s Product/ Commodity chain. The use of these frameworks when developing the sector matrix analysis of the automotive industry would increase the credibility of findings. The elements of these two frameworks are briefly discussed below. Graph 1 – Porter’s Value Chain analysis framework (source: Bachelor of International Management) The Value Chain Analysis of Porter is presented in Graph 1, above. According to this framework, ‘each company can be represented by a Value Chain’ (Overbeck 2009, p.26). This Value-Chain is consisted by a series of activities that can be characterized either as primary or support activities (Overbeck 2009). The activities that are of critical importance for the supply chain of an organization are the primary ones (Overbeck 2009); still, the support activities are necessary for the effective development of primary activities (Overbeck 2009), meaning that primary activities may face problems and delays in case that they are not combined by the support activities, as included in the Porter’s framework. Among the activities included in the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ethics Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Question - Essay Example On one hand violation of the environmental laws by the company should be punished and this is within the enforcement powers of the agency. The EPA should follow required procedures and cannot go beyond the authority granted by Congress. Provided the estimated risk concerning the health, safety or environmental protection is greater than the economic impact from the plant closure, then the agency should enforce its decision. On the other hand, shutting down the plant will cause significant social damage, as the plant is the major source of employment for the town. If breach of environmental laws does not represent a major threat to the health and safety of people and has not significantly impaired local environment, then the agency can take restrictive action other than closing the plant, probably by imposing penalties or fines and undertaking future stricter control over the company's operations. The Environmental Protection Agency requires your company to self-report pollution discharges daily. It is your job to make those reports. The reports could be easily fudged if the company exceeded its designated limits. Excessive discharges would cost the company $25,000 for each day its limit is exceeded.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pueblo revolt Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pueblo revolt - Assignment Example The turning point of Pueblo revolt was the imposition of their religion and culture on the indigenous tribe (Weber, 1999). The indigenous population was forbidden to practice their religion or follow their culture through barbaric acts. Christian friars forced them to convert to Christianity by literally cutting one leg of 500 Acoma tribals (sangres, nd). The Pueblo people finally revolted against the Spanish when medicine man, called San Juan Pueblo convinced them to unite and fight collectively against the mighty Spanish raiders. The indigenous people fought valiantly and managed to defeat the Spanish forces and drove them away from their territory for around twelve long years. Pueblo revolt is important chapter of American history because the peaceful Pueblo tribe was successful in driving away their enemies who had threatened their cultural identity by using barbaric means. The bloody revolution also forced others to respect indigenous religion and cultural practice which was amply evident when Spanish conquered the region for the second time. Second time around, they were more respectful towards their customs and did not try to force their religion on

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Tangible and Intangible Resources

Tangible and Intangible Resources In the fast pace development of the technology market,  enterprises tangible and intangible resources is a competitive advantage on the basis of tangible resources is the basis for enterprise development, the invisible resources are the engine of growth of competitive advantage, two of those are the source of competitive advantages. This article will be the fast-paced development of technology market premise, according to some examples, focusing on the importance of tangible and intangible resources company competition (Hill, Jones, 2009). Define Tangible and intangible resources: Tangible resources are visible, can use the direct measurement of the monetary resources, including material resources and financial resources E.g Tangible resources; 2009, Samsung Electronics, the market value has reached $ 110.2 billion, the first time beyond Intel became the the global revenues largest semiconductor manufacturers 1. Samsungs sales of $ 117.8 billion in 2009, has surpassed HP to become the the global revenues largest electronics companies 2. Is the worlds second largest chip factory, second in size only to Intel 3 in 2008 is the worlds top 21 products, up market share in the market supplier Intangible resources. A wide range of content, such as trademarks, patents, proprietary technology, customer relationships, corporate image, corporate culture, these intangible resources in the process of production and operation of enterprises play an indispensable role. E.g Intangible resources: Korea 8782 patents registered in the United States last year, 3611 applications for Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electronics, the percentage of more than 40%. Samsungs brand value grew fivefold from $ 3.1 billion in 1999 to $ 16.2 billion in 2006 ( Hitt, Ireland, 2008). Analysis of several fast-paced technology companies examples and reasons The definition of the technology market: the places engaged in the technical intermediary services and technical operations of goods. To promote scientific and technological achievements into practical productive forces for the purpose, specifically to carry out technology development, technology transfer, technical consulting, technical services, technical contract; production or distribution of the research to test new products and technology products; organization and conduct of the promotion and application of technological achievements and other technical coverage involving all areas of technology (Tietze , 2012). The cell phone industry, as a modern high-tech industry, has a certain representation, several typical company I will for example in the mobile phone industry to analyze: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Samsung Group was founded in 1938, investment in the establishment of Samsung Electronics Company in 1969, involving semiconductors, mobile phones, monitors, laptops, televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, digital cameras, and IT products and other field In many areas in technology, Samsung has become the worlds leading technology innovation company, it has created a series of state-of-the-art technology, including mobile phones, hand-held computing devices, flat panel displays, as well as ultra-thin laptops. (Viardot, 2004). Apple Inc Apples major industries, including computer software. Hardware. Phone handheld entertainment aspect. Overall have five production lines: Mac, iPod the iPhone and the iPad, i Tune, known for the product i pod digital music player is i Tunes music store, these are containing innovative the high-tech, i phone pioneered mobile devices new start, IPHONE3G of the software revolution (Sengupta, Slater, 2009). NOKIA In 1865, Nokia was founded in Finland, Nokia smart phone, entertainment, phone, navigation, phone, have a high technology technology Nokia developed areas including third-generation wireless systems, multimedia applications, network management, mobile phone and other sounds data, video terminals. To maintain its leading position in the rapid development of the telecommunications market (GruneWalder, 2008). What role do they play in this types of market what are they? Based on analysis of the tangible and intangible resources of Nokia and Apple Nokias tangible resources Material resources: Nokia to light electric transmission as the center of development, laying the foundation for Nokias semiconductor technology industry. Such as ABS engineering techniques, this technique has the performance of heat-resistant and impact, due to the lower cost of this technique, the majority of computer manufacturers to use. Financial resources: Nokia in Chinas development, the establishment of three joint venture companies, mobile phone production, as well as network equipment, China is the largest market of Nokia, the worlds largest investment areas, due to the low cost of production and processing of the Chinese market, so Nokia to focus on China, in addition to the establishment of a global integrated financial plan, a reasonable business strategy Nokia intangible resources Company brand: Nokia founded in Finland, with a long history, and a good social reputation, through continuous research and innovation, powerful software support and network services, so that, on the company in the smart phone, navigation technically are in a leading position in the company with OVI Internet, in the music store, online game store, providing services to obtain the value Technology: Nokias development, always in the front of the R D development center, working to develop new technologies, including third-generation wireless systems, multimedia applications, to meet customers needs, increasing the mass market to maintain the rapid development of the territory Goodwill: consumers said user for the first time agree, it is only with the GSM technology, the exterior design of the TV for the first time large-screen displays, mobile phones scroll able text menu, the user used to say, very good,leave a very good impression (Hoskisson, 2008) Apple tangible resources Product Resources: 2000 i Pod digital music player, with the unique i Tunes music download system, beat some very powerful company and a global share of the first portable player, i pod series launch, more solid Apple position in the music market, i phone combined with a new product of the i pod and Apple TV, the birth of this product, so Apples successful transformation from computer production to the electronic company Financial resources Apples PC and one of the multimedia company, Apple increased net income $ 1,335 one billion, they have the ability to obtain credit. The tissue Apple also has many systems f control. Apple controls all aspects of the computer, it can provide customers with a complete desktop solution, including hardware, software and peripherals, Physical resources Apple company established in California. Apple is a global company with offices around the. They develop good computer on the market with the best materials. Technology Apple invented a lot of patents, they developed the first PC, the PCs graphical user interface (GUI), a point, and then click the mouse, the laser printer, the iPod and iTunes. Apple also includes a window system, investigation procedures, such as Aldus, Page Maker and Microsoft Excel. Apples products are user-friendly and unique Apple intangible resources Apples human resources, the Cupertino, California in the heart of Silicon Valley, bringing together the most talent and an attractive location. The best schools in the country in a very short drive from Apples main campus, including Stanford University, the University of California, Barkley, and Santa Clara University. There are so many schools nearby, they enjoy a rich cultural and educational opportunities. Innovation Apple invented the PC graphical user interface. Nearly a decade, the the Apple monopoly graphical user interface. When Jobs returned, he manages a hire people who do not want to make the best products in the world of innovation. The key is to let the people with the passion for excellence. Apple now has scientific skills, enabling them to innovation, promote the patent (Afuah, 2009) What is the impact on the companies industry? Business development, competitors may soon have tangible physical capital resources, but the long-term advantages of intangible resources but is hard to beat. Well-known enterprises of the industrial countries, the value of intangible resources generally exceed the value of physical resources, intangible resources these enterprises trade and occupy the international market and expand the social impact will become an important weapon (Tessiopoulos, 2005). The importance of the intangible resources. Enterprise as a social and economic organization. While tangible resources. Also has a wide variety and difficult measurement and grasp the intangible resources. A wide range of content, such as trademarks, patents, proprietary technology, customer relationships, corporate image, corporate culture, these intangible resources in the production development process plays an irreplaceable role. Trademark. Trademark is used to identify the specific goods or services of the mark, it means the right to use a particular name or pattern specialize in certain specified goods or products generally include the exclusive right to use and the prohibition of the right to two aspects. Patent. The patent refers to the national patent authorities in accordance with the law grant the inventions patented applicants enjoyed exclusive rights within a certain period of their inventions. The patent generally include three aspects of the invention patents, utility model patents and design patents. Valid patent law Proprietary technology. The proprietary technology means known to the outside world, has been used in the production and operation activities, a variety of skills and experience do not enjoy legal protection. Generally include the proprietary technology of the industrial, commercial trade proprietary technology, management know-how, etc.. Corporate image. Corporate image usually refers to the publics evaluation of a company and its products, beliefs and attitudes. Mainly include the popularity and reputation, corporate values, managerial and technical factors such as the comprehensive, implied a huge potential force behind the production and business activities of enterprises. Customer relationships. Customer relationship usually refers to the purchase of customer and sales of enterprise products, services, manufacturing enterprises in the formation of long-term exchanges and work with each other relationship, this relationship is the invisible presence of a lot of influence, for the improvement of enterprise product sales. Enterprises cultural. The corporate culture is the enterprise ideology as the core corporate values, corporate value, business philosophy, entrepreneurship, business principles, business purposes, business rules and regulations, Code of Conduct.(Ireland, Hoskission, 2008) E.g Apple and Samsung patent war of the century, for example, Apple awarded $ 1 billion. South Koreas Samsung infringed U.S. Apple patent, needs $ 1 billion in compensation. At the same time, the court finds that the Apple and Samsung did not infringe. Affected by this news, Apples stock price immediately rose by 1.8%, this way before Samsung change the design of these products will be in the U.S. market can not continue to sell these products. Lawsuits between Apple and Samsung is not just about patents and money is related to the value. Apple seems stresses creativity and innovation, to create the worlds best products, the manufacture of these products is to let the user satisfaction, not to allow competitors big plagiarism. (Ubertazzi, 2012). Expert analysis : Apple disputes warning of the modern enterprise Apples creative class of intangible assets in commercial signs, warning of the management problems of the modern enterprise: First, technological innovation is important, but only technological innovation is not enough, you must also conducted a comprehensive intangible assets construction innovation. A single class of intellectual property (patent, trademark or copyright) is not enough to solve all the problems of the enterprises, enterprises must carry out diverse IP configuration. Second, trade names and trademarks is not just a business logo, to raise the height of intangible assets created to recognize. Best to stay away from the general term creative in the selection of trademarks, trade names, to do trademark name with the name of the creative owner of the trademark can not prevent others from the same with your name trademark registered in other categories of goods and services. Because your trademark name is not private rights in the true sense, the name you choose is also the use of public resources. Trademark intangible asset value basis, is one of the trademarks Be creative, first with the larger artistic value, the value will be after the trademark rights of value, economic value, reputation. If the brand name is a common noun, it is easy for the revocation of others, lead to legal disputes. The third set of intangible assets specialized management agencies. Talent is a source of intangible assets, intangible assets not only to create pay greater attention to the management and operation. Important foundation for high-end complex talent to do a good job in the management of the intangible assets. Enterprise management of intangible assets should be placed in an important position, set a special intangible assets management department, equipped with specialized management of intangible assets intangible assets of enterprises integrated, comprehensive, systematic management, organizational guarantee of intangible assets management. Through high-end composite intangible assets management, promote enterprises to improve the level of management of intangible assets, improve intangible assets effective. (Acton, 2012). Is one resource more valuable or important when the other ? I chose the hotel industry, the analysis of the tangible and intangible resources of the hotel industry Hotel tangible resources :is the physical form of resources, including physical resources, financial resources, organizational resources. Kind resources refers to the kind used to be the hotel customer service resources to create benefits for the hotel, such as hotel construction, decoration, equipment, etc. are in-kind resources: financial resources, including currency sources and use, such as access to finance, cash management, creditors and debtors control, dealing with currency provider relations; organizational resources, including the hotels formal organizational structure, composition departments Hotel intangible resources: including human resources, reputation, resources, relationships, resources, information and technology resources. Human resources including knowledge, staff skills, managers can, practice, and thus formed hotel culture and service philosophy; the hotel reputation resources including hotel brand, hotel for reputation parties; hotel information and technical resources, including information and information storage, processing and transfer of technology, management techniques, the hotels reservation system; hotel relations system includes a hotel and the relationship of the parties, the contract agreement. Intangible resources of the hotel is the hotel prerequisite to gain a competitive advantage .(Enz, 2009) JINJIANGINN tangible resources and intangible resources Research enterprise core competitiveness mainly two ways an enterprise resource analysis to find out the advantages of resources, and the other is the enterprise value chain analysis as its core competitiveness. Ways to use this article for the former, and that analysis of the resources of the Jinjiang Inn. The resources of the enterprise can be divided into tangible resources, intangible and human resources. Which tangible resources the kind resources buildings, land, raw materials, operational resources, computers, machinery, systems and financial resources organization intangible resources of the type and quantity of available funds mainly technical resources, reputation, resources and innovative resources and human resources is the organic integration of the members of the organization to the organization to provide the skills, knowledge and reasoning and decision-making ability. (JinJiang Inn, 2012). Physical resources: can be divided into basic and infrastructure, the basic situation of the hotel chain Jinjiang Inn has more than 500 distribution in Shanghai, Beijing and other 86 large and medium-sized cities in the country, room a total of more than 60,000 infrastructure including air conditioning, bathroom, TV, telephone, broadband internet, 24-hour hot water and other infrastructure, to show an economically practical and comfortable accommodations. Financial resources :from the two main ways most of the investment by the parent company of Jin Jiang International Group, Another way is through public financing, Jinjiang along with its parent company, the Jin Jiang International Hotel Group in December 2006 in the success of the Hong Kong main board market market, opened overseas financing channels, into a period of rapid expansion. Jinjiangs technical capacity Committed reflected in the company since the date of the establishment of the call center systems and related software, custom development and marketing, especially telemarketing system has been independently developed by the company, the industry praise Jinjiang Inn the first in the industry to develop independent website and booking system, large client systems and guest satisfaction survey feedback system. Reputation resources: are mainly reflected in Jinjiang since its inception in 1996, continues to be rated as Shanghai Famous Trademark, Shanghai, the most growth service marks, Shanghai Famous Brand won consecutive year 2006-2007 first top ten top brand influence of the Chinese economy hotel , Chinas economy hotel brand Pioneer honorary title. Therefore, Jinjiang Inn has a very good reputation image. Innovation is mainly reflected in three aspects First, the introduction of low budget hotel high-end products. The budget hotel market can continue to be subdivided into high medium and low market, the current budget hotel is mainly concentrated in the mid-market, Jinjiang keen to seize this vacancy, launched a low-high-end products. Prices of low-end brands in the 100-150 yuan, the low-end brands target customer is still a business and family tourists, mainly for price sensitive crowd followed, the prices of high-end brands in the 250-350 yuan, product updates to Five Dynasties. More specialized than the third-generation product, the fourth-generation products humane, more suitable for the accommodation needs of business travelers, the fifth generation of the product is a green concept hotel last product, create Jinjiang chef. Jinjiang Chef pure restaurant chain brand Jinjiang Inn Co., Ltd. was founded, it is committed to the the Jinjiang high grade dining culture into ordinary diet , and reduce costs through the chain, so the popularity of high-end cuisine, so people can experience the connotation of the Chinese diet. (Zou, 2005). Conclusion: Can be obtained from the above analysis, Jinjiang main advantage of resources that the technical resources, innovative resources and reputation of resources, that intangible resources. Therefore, Jinjiang should focus on the use of its intangible resources to enhance their own status in the budget hotel market. Conclusion Technology market which the mobile phone industry, the hotel industry and tourism market, tangible and intangible resources, analysis and comparison, I have come to the following conclusions, tangible resources are the basis of the intangible resources, intangible resources is the sublimation of physical resources, both of those combined with each other in order to make the company or companies more competitive, with the social progress and the development of resources, many companies have shifted from the tangible resources to the development of intangible resources, tangible resources, most companies will get, but the intangible resources,accumulated by business or the companys long-term thing, others not learn, intangible resources is the fundamental driving force of the development of the company or enterprise, in the mobile phone industry, Apples patented technology in particular attracted worldwide attention, the hotel industry,Although it is an emerging industry, the hotel ind ustry in the past, the emphasis on physical resources and hardware facilities, while ignoring intangible resources, such as the brand, and so, but with the progress of society, many hotels have recognized the importance of intangible resources vigorously develop intangible resources, which will be after the mainstream of enterprise development